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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Extinde Ascunde

Press release - Evolution of money transfers from abroad made in favour of individuals of the Republic of Moldova, net settlements, in 2013

In 2013, the total amount of money transfers from abroad made in favour of individuals of the Republic of Moldova amounted to US$ 1,608.98 million or by 7.7 percent more than in 2012. About 89.0 percent of money transfers were carried out through international money transfer systems without opening any bank account, but the rest via accounts opened with banks. The shares of EUR, RUB and USD within the currency structure of transfers carried out through international money transfer systems were relatively equal in 2013. This equalization is due to the increase of the share of transfers in RUB by 9.6 percentage points, reaching the level of 33.6 percent in 2013 as compared to 2012. The share of transfers in EUR decreased by 2.0 percentage points, accounting for 35.1 percent and that in USD by 7.6 percentage points, accounting for 31.3 percent.

The geographical origin of money transfers from abroad in favour of individuals showed the following distribution: transfers from the Russian Federation held the largest share of 68.0 percent (increasing by 2.4 percentage points compared to 2012), Italy – 9.3 percent (increasing by 0.2 percentage points), Israel – 6.3 percent (increasing by 0.9 percentage points), USA – 4.8 percent (down by 0.1  percentage points), France – 1.3 percent (the same percentage as in 2012). Transfers from these five countries accounted for 89.7 percent of the total amount.

National Bank of Moldova notes that money transfers from abroad in favour of individuals through banks do not consist only of remittances by Moldovan citizens working abroad, but also include unilateral transfers such as pensions, benefits, inheritance, gifts, various contributions received by individuals from abroad, etc. It should be mentioned that the remittances coursed through banks banks from the districts on the left bank of the Nistru River are not included, which makes difficult to compare the NBM statistics with the mirror-statistics of other countries.

Statistical series on money transfers from abroad made in favour of individuals of the Republic of Moldova in the period of 1999-2013 can be found on the official website of the National Bank of Moldova at:


Seasonally adjusted statistical series of money transfers from abroad can be found at:


The seasonal adjustment is aimed to eliminate seasonal fluctuations and calendar effects to enable the analysis of evolution of economic phenomenon.

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