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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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NBM will organize on 29 November a series of events dedicated to the Moldovan leu day


The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) organizes on Monday, 29 November 2021, more events dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the introduction of the Moldovan leu.

On this occasion, the NBM Governor, Octavian Armașu emphasizes that the circulation, 28 years ago, of the domestic currency - the Moldovan leu - has become part of our history along with other state attributes that determine us as a sovereign and independent country. „The domestic currency is not only an attribute of the state, but plays a very important role in the economy. Increasing the quality of the domestic currency and the level of use of non-cash payments is one of the strategic objectives of the NBM", says the head of the central bank.

This year, the start of the anniversary will be given by a festive event for the launch of commemorative and jubilee coins, which will take place at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova. The event will be live broadcasted on the web page of the NBM and its profiles on social networks (Facebook and Youtube).

Also on Monday, at the museum of the National Bank of Moldova, between 1:00 PM-5:00 PM, there will be an exhibition, where visitors will be able to get acquainted with the history of the domestic currency. In order to comply with the sanitary norms, the access of 10 people in the group will be allowed, who will present the vaccination certificate or the negative Covid-19 test, except for the children. All participants will wear a protective mask. A visit will last 30 minutes. Those interested can register by filling in the form by 28 November 2021 inclusive.

On the same day, students from the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the Moldova State University will participate in a training workshop entitled "How money gets into circulation". At the same time, the central bank experts will report on the security features of the domestic currency.

The Moldovan leu was introduced into circulation on 29 November 1993 and it has been constantly modernized during 28 years.

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