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VIDEO// NBM puts into circulation new jubilee and commemorative coins


Starting with November 29, 2021, the National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation four jubilee and commemorative coins as a means of payment and for numismatic purposes.

The series „Alley of Classics from the „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt” Public Garden in Chisinau”  is enriched with a commemorative coin dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Vasile Alecsandri - poet, playwright, folklorist, politician, diplomat, member founder of the Romanian Academy, creator of Romanian theater and dramatic literature in Romania, prominent personality of Moldova and Romania throughout the 19th century. The coin is made of gold, has a face value of 100 lei and a circulation of 150 units.

Another silver commemorative coin, with a face value of 50 lei, which will complete the series of coins "Personalities", is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nicolae Iorga - historian, literary critic, documentary filmmaker, playwright, poet, encyclopedist, politician. The coin is issued in a circulation of 250 units.

The "Science and Innovation" series is supplemented with a new silver jubilee coin dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Eugen Coșeriu - Romanian linguist of universal notoriety, philosopher of language, writer, poet, art critic, university professor, member of honor of the Romanian Academy, one of the most important linguists of the 20th century. The coin has a face value of 50 lei and is minted in a circulation of 200 units.

At the same time, the series "Red Book of the Republic of Moldova" is completed with a silver coin, with a face value of 50 lei, which represents the common hepatica (Hepatica nobilis Mill)" - a plant species protected by law and included in the Red Book of Republic of Moldova. The coin has a circulation of 300 units.

The jubilee and commemorative coins, packed in transparent methacrylate capsules and presentation boxes, are accompanied by certificates of authenticity, written in Romanian and English, signed by the governor of the National Bank of Moldova.

Jubilee and commemorative coins, issued by the National Bank, are traded through licensed banks in the Republic of Moldova.




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