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Octavian Armașu, on the Anniversary of the Moldovan Leu: Monetary Independence and the National Currency are the key elements of our Identity


“The national currency is not only a symbol of sovereignty and a means of transactions but also a shield against global economic challenges and uncertainties, serving as a guarantor of our economic and social stability. To maintain this framework of stability in service to our citizens, it is crucial that all state authorities respect the independence of the mandates and missions for which we work every day”, stressed Octavian Armașu, the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, at the official event held today to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Moldovan leu.

The ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials from the Republic of Moldova and abroad, ambassadors, representatives of international financial institutions, individuals from financial, banking and academic circles, as well as members of civil society, scientists, creative individuals, and various other personalities.

In his opening message, Octavian Armașu emphasized that monetary independence and the national currency are essential elements of our identity. “We are determined to continue on the path of innovation and stability... The independence we have achieved has come with considerable effort and responsibility. These two ingredients - Hard work and Responsibility - are the guiding principles of the National Bank of Moldova, to which full commitment, independence, and professionalism are added”, stated the NBM Governor.

Attending the event, Prime Minister Dorin Recean emphasised, “It is essential to mobilize and turn the national currency into a symbol of prosperity. In this way people will be proud of the Moldovan leu we celebrate today. We are a small country, but let’s have the courage to live in a big world. Let’s stop thinking and living small. Our physical boundaries must not constrain us, must not limit us. The government is promoting the digital agenda. I expect we will also have the digital Moldovan leu. We must work hard, grow the economy, increase productivity, build robust, efficient, and resilient institutions, so that we can be competitive in a monetary union in the future”, concluded the Prime Minister, Dorin Recean.  

“The Moldovan leu has become a symbol of courage, strength, and pride,” said Mugur Isărescu, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (NBR), in his message. “The efforts of the successive leadership of the NBR and the entire team have contributed decisively to the transformation of the financial sector into a stable, efficient, and sustainable one, fulfilling the commitments undertaken in the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union... The National Bank of Moldova has distinguished itself through its outstanding team and unwavering commitment to its fundamental objective,” added the NBR Governor.

In this context, Leonid Talmaci, the first Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, remarked that in its 30 years of existence, the NBM had navigated through various, sometimes challenging periods, marked by both difficulties and successes achieved through hard work. “I wish the National Bank to successfully implement banking legislation harmonised with the highest European standards”, concluded the first Governor of the NBM.

Congratulatory messages also came from senior representatives of the International Monetary Fund: Paul Hilbers, Executive Director of the IMF, and Mark Horton, Deputy Director of the European Department of the IMF, who visited Chisinau at the invitation of the NBM. The statements of the IMF officials can be found at the following link: https://bnm.md/ro/content/video-live-evenimentul-leul-moldovenesc-simbol...

The official ceremony is part of the series of events organised by the National Bank of Moldova to mark the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Moldovan leu.

A round table on “The Moldovan leu - from aspiration to actuality” was held on 29 November 2023, bringing together personalities who contributed to the introduction of the Moldovan leu into circulation. Financial education events were also organised, such as “The Road of Money” in cooperation with commercial banks, and coin exhibitions at the National Museum of History of Moldova. Simultaneously, the winners of the “Discover the monuments on Moldovan lei banknotes” competition were announced, and a design competition for the symbol of our national currency was launched.

At the same time, five commemorative coins were issued to mark the anniversary, including two in gold and silver dedicated to the Moldovan leu, which was introduced into circulation on 29 November 1993. It has since become, among other things, a symbol of our identity as a sovereign and independent state.


The official event: "Moldovan Leu - the symbol of the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova”







photo source: www.gov.md 


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