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NBM puts into circulation new commemorative coins


Starting with 29 November 2023, the National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation five commemorative coins as a means of payment and for numismatic purposes.

The "Personalities" series is supplemented by two commemorative coins dedicated to the 100 years since the birth of Igor Vieru - painter, graphic artist, teacher, scenographer, whose creation constitutes an important landmark in the recording and promotion of popular culture and traditions, and the 150 years since the birth of Alexei Șciusev - architect, historian and art theorist, one of the best modernist architects, known for his projects inspired by religious themes, among them the Church of the Holy Trinity in Cuhurestii de Sus, and a number of buildings included in the General Plan for the Reconstruction of Chisinau (1945-1949). The silver coins have a face value of 50 lei and a mintage of 250 units.

The next three coins supplements the "Others" series. One of them is "The world of bees" and has the face value of 50 lei. The coin is minted in silver, has a colour design and a circulation of 500 units. Two other coins are dedicated to the anniversary of the national currency - the Moldovan leu, which was put into circulation on 29 November 1993 and, along with other attributes, has become a symbol that determines us as a sovereign and independent state. The coin with the face value of 100 lei is minted in gold and has an initial mintage of 300 units, and the coin with the face value of 50 lei is minted in silver and has an initial mintage of 500 units. These coins could be additionally issued until the total mintage reaches 5,000 units.

The commemorative coins are packed in transparent methacrylate capsules and presentation boxes, accompanied by certificates of authenticity with a QR code which, redirects to the website of the National Bank of Moldova with information about each coin. Certificates of authenticity are signed by the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova.


Commemorative coins are traded to the public through licensed banks in the Republic of Moldova.










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