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    Prima zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

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    A doua zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

  • Tatiana Ivanicichina, viceguvernator

    A treia zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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    A patra zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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NBM launches design competition for the Moldovan leu symbol


The National Bank of Moldova is launching a design competition for the Moldovan leu symbol in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the national currency. 

The competition is open to students and graphic design professionals, who are encouraged to express their individual vision of the Moldovan leu symbol.

“For any independent state, the introduction of a national currency is an important historical moment. For Moldova, it was also the first step towards a market economy, first economic reforms, first expression of an independent monetary policy. Today, the Moldovan leu is a strong currency in the region, and the National Bank has the necessary experience to ensure its resilience and maintain a stable and reliable banking sector”, emphasized Octavian Armașu, the Governor of the National Bank.

The competition aims to draw the public attention to the historical significance of the introduction of the national currency and provides an opportunity for both experienced and budding artists to creatively represent the Moldovan leu symbol.

Design projects should be performed using programmes such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and others as required by the project. They should be well-argued, demonstrating conceptual and visual unity.

The competition runs from 29 November 2023 to 1 May 2024, with results announced on Bank Workers' Day, on 4 June 2024. The authors of the most original projects will be selected by a committee comprising representatives from the NBM, the National Heraldry Commission, and specialists in culture, history, and science. The competition will select up to five winners who will be awarded with the commemorative and jubilee silver coin “Tree of Life”, issued by the National Bank of Moldova.

Interested participants should submit their design projects along with documents proving their completion of studies in the required field to the email address concurs@bnm.md, using the reference “Design competition for the symbol of the Moldovan leu”. Further details on competition participation can be found here: Procedure for the organisation of the competition for the design of the Moldovan leu symbol (available in Romanian).

Procedura de organizare a concursului de design pentru simbolul leului moldovenesc (available in Romanian)


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